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This album was recorded during the spring of 1993. We did it before the actual staging of the musical and released it in May to help with the promotion and marketing of the musical. The same performers on this CD as on the stage with Per Svensson doing the lead role as rebel leader Nils Dacke.

Music: Anders Rydholm
Lyrics: Lasse Johanson

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Songs - Mp3 files
1. Now the fun is over
2. The Dacke song
3. He makes me glad
4. Smålands song
5. Our best day
6. The kings song
7. This could not be the end

The cast
Per Svensson - Nils Dacke
Mia Karlsson - Dacke's wife Hanna
Peter Sundell - Per Skegge
Petter Ahlfors - Peder Skrivare
Sandra Majer - Sofia Hane
Hans Linden - Måns Hane
Björn Elmgren - King Gustav Wasa

Anders Rydholm - keyboards, bass, producer, arranger
Stefan Leoson - guitar
Christian Sundell - drums
Staffan Stavert - piano
Stefan Johansson - piano
Håkan Malmberg - saxophone
Joackim Wickström - trumpet
Robin Hansson - saxophone

Recorded in Starec studio, Växjö february - March 1993 by Anders Rydholm.

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